. Inamullah,Ghulamullah Saqib,Muhammad Ashar Ayub,Ahmad Nawaz Khan,Shazma Anwar,Shahzad Khan
The performance of common buckwheat (Fagopyrum escu lentum Moench) was evaluated using various nitrogen and phosphorus levels at Mountain Agricult ural Research Sub-Station, Skardu (Baltistan), Pakistan during summer 2009. Three N levels (0, 50 and 100 kg ha -1 ) and four P levels (0, 40, 80 and 120 kg ha -1 ) were used. The experiment was conducted in randomized complete blo ck design using four replications. NP combinations were allotted to plots of size 1.8 m x 5 m, having 6 row s with row to row spacing 0.3 m. Statistical analys is of the data revealed that higher N doses delayed maturity and i ncreased lodging while the higher P doses hastened maturity and decreased lodging. Generally, plant height, bra nches plant -1 , heads m -2 , grains head -1 , 1000-grain weight, grain yield, biological yield and harvest index increased with increase in N and P levels. The interaction o f nitrogen and phosphorus was significant for lodging score, 1000- grain weight, grain yield and biological yield. It was observed that higher doses of nitrogen and phosphorus (100-1 20 kg ha -1 , respectively) used in combination enhanced yield and all yield components of common buckwheat. It is concluded that buchwheat crop, the NP requirements of which are generally said to be very low, shows active res ponse to NP fertilization. Key Word: Buckwheat (Fagopyrum Esculentum Moench ), Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Grain yield, yield components. Citation: Inamullah, G. Saqib, M. Ayub, A.A. Khan, S. Anwar and S.A. Khan. 2012. Response of common buckwheat to nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization. Sarhad J. Ag ric. 28(2):171-178