Developmental toxicity may be estimated using commercial and noncommercial software that is already available in the market and/or literature, or models may be built from scratch using both commercial and noncommercial software packages. In this chapter, commonly available software programs that can predict the developmental toxicity of chemicals are described. In addition, a method for developing qualitative structure-activity relationship (SAR) models to predict the developmental toxicity of chemicals qualitatively (yes/no prediction) and quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) models to predict quantitative estimates (e.g., LOAEL) of developmental toxicants is also described in this chapter. Additional information described in this chapter include methods to predict physicochemical properties of chemicals that can be used as descriptor variables in the model building process, statistical methods that be used to build QSAR models as well as methods to validate the models that are developed. Most of the methods described in this chapter can be used to develop models for health endpoints other than developmental toxicity as well.