A field experiment was conducted during spring 2019 under on farm trials at commercial dairy farms in Tarn Taran district of Punjab (India) under subtropical conditions. The three cultivars of corn (Zea mays L.), i.e. J 1006, PMH 10 and DKC 9108 were evaluated for their silage production potential. The cropping system followed by farmers was paddy-pea-spring maize (Silage making). Fodder yield, factor productivity, net return and economic productivity were recorded higher under maize hybrid PMH 10 which was found at par with hybrid DKC 9108 and significantly higher than cultivar J 1006. Silages prepared from hybrids PMH 10 and DKC 9108 recorded significantly better (P<0.05) fermentation characteristics, nutritive value and feed values in comparison to silage of composite J1006. Thus, under intensive cropping system, PMH 10 and DKC 9108 hybrids of corn are best suitable for cultivation during spring season for quality silage production.