Cold load pickup (CLPU) phenomenon is identified as the persistent power inrush upon a sudden load pickup after an outage. Under the active distribution system (ADS) paradigm, where distributed energy resources (DERs) are extensively installed, the decreased outage duration can induce a strong interdependence between CLPU pattern and load pickup decisions. In this paper, we propose a novel modelling technique to tractably capture the decision-dependent uncertainty (DDU) inherent in the CLPU process. Subsequently, a two-stage stochastic decision-dependent service restoration (SDDSR) model is constructed, where first stage searches for the optimal switching sequences to decide step-wise network topology, and the second stage optimizes the detailed generation schedule of DERs as well as the energization of switchable loads. Moreover, to tackle the computational burdens introduced by mixed-integer recourse, the progressive hedging algorithm (PHA) is utilized to decompose the original model into scenario-wise subproblems that can be solved in parallel. The numerical test on modified IEEE 123-node test feeders has verified the efficiency of our proposed SDDSR model and provided fresh insights into the monetary and secure values of DDU quantification.