As a low-power and low-cost wireless protocol, the promising ZigBee has been widely used in sensor networks and cyber-physical systems. Since ZigBee based networks usually adopt tree or cluster topology, the convergecast scenarios are common in which multiple transmitters send packets to one receiver, leading to the severe collision problem. The conventional ZigBee adopts carrier sense multiple access with collisions avoidance to avoid collisions, which introduces additional time/energy overhead. The state-of-the-art methods resolve collisions instead of avoidance, in which mZig decomposes a collision by the collision itself and reZig decodes a collision by comparing with reference waveforms. However, mZig falls into high decoding errors only exploiting the signal amplitudes while reZig incurs high computational complexity for waveform comparison. In this paper, we propose CmZig to embrace channel estimation in multiple-packet reception (MPR) of ZigBee, which effectively improves MPR via lightweight computing used for channel estimation and collision decomposition. First, CmZig enables accurate collision decomposition with low computational complexity, which uses the estimated channel parameters modeling both signal amplitudes and phases. Second, CmZig adopts reference waveform comparison only for collisions without chip-level time offsets, instead of the complex machine learning based method. We implement CmZig on USRP-N210 and establish a six-node testbed. Results show that CmZig achieves a bit error rate in the order of $10^{-3}$ and more than 80% packet reception rate, which outperforms state-of-the-art mZig.