The aggregation of TAR DNA-binding protein of 43 kDa (TDP-43) into fibrillary deposits is implicated in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and some hereditary mutations localized in the low complexity domain (LCD) facilitate the formation of pathogenic TDP-43 fibrils. A recent cryo-EM study reported the atomic-level structures of the A315E TDP-43 LCD (residues 288–319, TDP-43288–319) core fibril in which the protofilaments have R-shaped structures and hypothesized that A315E U-shaped protofilaments can readily convert to R-shaped protofilaments compared to the wild-type (WT) ones. There are no atomic structures of WT protofilaments available yet. Herein, we performed extensive all-atom explicit-solvent molecular dynamics simulations on A315E and WT protofilaments starting from both the cryo-EM-determined R-shaped and our constructed U-shaped structures. Our simulations show that WT protofilaments also adopt the R-shaped structures but are less stable than their A315E counterparts. Except for R293-E315 salt bridges, N312-F316 hydrophobic interactions and F316–F316 π–π stacking interactions are also crucial for the stabilization of the neck region of the R-shaped A315E protofilaments. The loss of R293-E315 salt bridges and the weakened interactions of N312-F316 and F316–F316 result in the reduced stability of the R-shaped WT protofilaments. Simulations starting from U-shaped folds reveal that A315E protofilaments can spontaneously convert to the cryo-EM-derived R-shaped protofilaments, whereas WT protofilaments convert to R-shape-like structures with remodeled neck regions. The R-shape-like WT protofilaments could act as intermediate states slowing down the U-to-R transition. This study reveals that A315E mutation can not only enhance the structural stability of the R-shaped TDP-43288–319 protofilaments but also promote the U-to-R transition, which provides atomistic insights into the A315E mutation-enhanced TDP-43 pathogenicity in ALS.