Abstract In task switching, an interaction between task and response is often observed, with response repetition (RR) benefits in task‐repeat trials and RR costs in task‐switch trials. The theoretical accounts of the RR effect remain controversial, and neuroscience evidence is scarce. The present study utilized the event‐related potentials (ERPs) method to explore the neural mechanism underlying the RR effect by adopting a cued task‐switching paradigm. The ERP results revealed the interaction between task and response in the P3b time window, with a response switch positivity under task‐repetition conditions and an RR positivity under task‐switching conditions. In addition, there were RR positivity in the N2 irrespective of task transition and in the late component (LC, 550–600 ms) that only under the task repetition condition. On the individual level, the RR benefit positively correlated with the RR positivity in the LC, while the RR costs negatively correlated with RR positivity in the N2/P3 component. These results suggest that both response reconfiguration and episodic‐retrieval make contributions to the RR effects, which were also discussed in terms of predictive model for a domain‐general inference and learning of perceptual categories.