A novel framework has been developed which summarizes the efficacy of treatment technologies for emerging contaminants (ECs) based on the general mitigation mechanisms of Removal, Inactivation/Degradation, and Destruction (i.e., RIDD). The RIDD framework allows for a concise critical evaluation of the efficacy of treatment processes for their mitigation potential, and provides an efficient methodology for drinking water system managers to identify knowledge gaps related to the management of ECs in water treatment with respect to current technologies available in practice. Additionally, the RIDD framework provides an understanding of the treatment processes which provide: (1) broad spectrum treatment, (2) effective mitigation for certain categories of contaminants or under certain circumstances, or (3) little or no mitigation of ECs. In the proposed format, this information is intended to assist water managers to make more informed treatment decisions. Four categories of ECs noted in recent literature as presently concerning to drinking water utilities, including both anthropogenic and microbial contaminants, were used in this study to provide examples of RIDD framework application. In many cases, broad-spectrum treatment barriers (e.g., high-pressure membranes) are expected to provide cost-effective management of a suite of ECs, which then can be compared to the costs and practicality of additional treatment barriers for individual ECs (e.g., selective ion exchange resins or tailored biological processes). Additionally, understanding the typical performance of existing treatment processes can help assist with capital planning for alternative treatment processes or upgrades, or for developing novel treatment approaches at the watershed scale such as integrated urban water management and One Water frameworks.