The genus Flavivirus in the Flaviridae contains arthropod born viruses associated with high public health burdens like Zika, Dengue or Yellow fever. Saboya virus (SABV) is an understudied flavivirus grouping in the same genetic sub-group as Yellow Fever Virus (YFV) together with Sepik virus (SEPV) and Wesselbron virus (WSLV). Flavivirus infections are characterized by non-specific clinical presentations resulting in a high risk of misdiagnosis. SABV virus has been shown to circulate in the Sahelian zone and in central Africa. To study this virus we a qRT-PCR system based on TaqMan chemistry was developed to allow rapid and specific detection of SABV. The SABV assay was evaluated on available SABV isolates and others flaviviruses (DENV, ZIKV, YFV, WNV, KEDV). The system reliably detected all used SABV strains without cross amplification of other flaviviruses. In term of sensitivity the SABV assay detect up to 40.25 copies of SABV standard DNA molecule per ul. This system can be easily added to the available panel of arboviruses detection assays as a reliable tool to study virus prevalence in human, vertebrate and insect-vector samples.