Human processed lipoaspirate (PLA) cells are relatively easy to obtain in large quantities without cell culture. The purpose of this study was to present the possibility of using uncultured PLA cell autografts for the treatment of diabetic ulcers. An in vitro study was designed initially to determine the effect of PLA cell autografts on the proliferation and collagen synthesis of diabetic fibroblasts (n=4). In a subsequent clinical study, 26 patients with diabetic foot ulcers were treated using PLA cell autografts. Control treatment was also performed in 26 patients. Eight weeks after treatment, the percentages of complete healing and mean healing times were compared. Cell proliferation and collagen synthesis in the PLA cell treatment group were 28 and 44% higher than that in the control group in vitro, respectively. Our clinical study showed that 100% of the PLA cell-treated group and 62% of the control group achieved complete healing. The PLA cell treatment was also superior to the conventional method in terms of the healing time. No adverse events related to the study treatment occurred. Uncultured PLA cell autografts stimulate the activity of diabetic fibroblasts and may offer a simple and effective treatment for diabetic ulcers.