Certain non-Hermitian systems exhibit the skin effect, whereby the wave functions become exponentially localized at one edge of the system. Such exponential amplification of wavefunction has received significant attention due to its potential applications in, e.g., classical and quantum sensing. However, the opposite edge of the system, featured by exponentially suppressed wave functions, remains largely unexplored. Leveraging this phenomenon, we introduce a non-Hermitian cooling mechanism, which is fundamentally distinct from traditional refrigeration or laser cooling techniques. Notably, non-Hermiticity will not amplify thermal excitations, but rather redistribute them. Hence, thermal excitations can be cooled down at one edge of the system, and the cooling effect can be exponentially enhanced by the number of auxiliary modes, albeit with a lower bound that depends on the dissipative interaction with the environment. Non-Hermitian cooling does not rely on intricate properties such as exceptional points or nontrivial topology, and it can apply to a wide range of excitations.