Disinfection by-products (DBPs) are formed through the disinfection of water containing precursors such as natural organic matter or anthropogenic compounds (e.g., pharmaceuticals and pesticides). Due to the ever increasing use of plastics, elastomers, and other polymers in our daily lives, polymer-based materials (PBMs) are detected more frequently and at higher concentrations in water and wastewater. The present review provides a comprehensive and systematic analysis of the contribution of PBMs - including elastomers, tire waste, polyelectrolytes, and microplastics - as precursors of DBPs in water and wastewater. Literature shows that the presence of PBMs can lead to the leaching of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and subsequent formation of DBPs upon disinfection in aqueous media. The quantity and type of DBPs formed strongly depends on the type of polymer, its concentration, its age, water salinity, and disinfection conditions such as oxidant dosage, pH, temperature, and contact time. DOM leaching from elastomers and tire waste was shown to form N-nitrosodimethylamine up to concerning levels of 930 ng/L and 466,715 ng/L, respectively upon chemical disinfection under laboratory conditions. Polyelectrolytes can also react with chemical disinfectants to form toxic DBPs. Recent findings indicate trihalomethanes formation potential of plastics can be as high as 15,990 µg/L based on the maximum formation potential under extreme conditions. Our analysis highlights an overlooked contribution of DOM leaching from PBMs as DBP precursors during disinfection of water and wastewater. Further studies need to be conducted to ascertain the extent of this contribution in real water and wastewater treatment plants.