In the context of Pharma 4.0, pharmaceutical quality control (PQC) is beset by issues such as uncertainties from ever-changing critical material attributes and strong coupling between variables in the multi-unit pharmaceutical tablet manufacturing process (PTMP), and how to timely adjust the operational variables to deal with such challenges has become a key problem in PQC. In this study, we propose a novel data-knowledge-driven modeling and operational adjustment framework for PTMP by integrating Bayesian network (BN) and case-based reasoning (CBR). At the modeling level, first, a distributed concept is introduced, i.e., the BN model for each subunit of PTMP is established in accordance with the operation process sequence, and the transition variables are given by the BN model established first and retrieved as the new query for the next unit. Once the BN models of all subunits are built, they are integrated into a global BN model. At the operational adjustment level, by taking the expected critical quality attributes (CQAs) and related prior information as evidence, the operational adjustment is achieved through global BN reasoning. Finally, the case study in a sprayed fluidized-bed granulation-based PTMP demonstrates the feasibility and effectiveness in improving the terminal CQAs of the proposed method, which is also compared with other methods to showcase its efficacy and merits.