Due to the well known reactivity of C(O)-N functionalities towards canonical C1-homologating agents (e.g. carbenoids, diazomethane, ylides), resulting in the extrusion of the N-centered fragment en route to carbonyl compounds, formal C1-insertions within N-O bonds still remain obscure. Herein, we document the homologative transformation of N-methyl-N-oxyamides - with high tolerance for diverse O-substituents - into N-acyl-N,O-acetals. Under controlled basic conditions, the N-methyl group of the same starting materials acts as a competent precursor of the methylene synthon required for the homologation. The logic is levered on the formation of an electrophilic iminium ion (via N-O heterolysis) susceptible to nucleophilic attack by the alkoxide previously expulsed. The procedure documents genuine chemocontrol and flexibility, as judged by the diversity of substituents placed on both amide and nitrogen linchpins. The mechanistic rationale was validated through experiments conducted on D-labeled materials which unambiguously attributed the origin of the methylene fragment to the N-methyl group of the starting compounds.