This paper reports the results of research on the influence of the compliance of the technological system used in grinding low-stiffness shafts on the shape accuracy of the workpieces. The level of accuracy achieved using passive compliance compensation was assessed, and technological assumptions were formulated to further increase the shape accuracy of the low-stiffness shafts obtained in the grinding process. Taking into account the limitations of passive compliance compensation, a method for the active compensation of the compliance of the elastic technological system during the machining process was developed. The experiments showed that the accuracy of grinding was most effectively increased by adjusting the compliance and controlling the bending moments, depending on the position of the cutting force (grinding wheel) along the part. The experimental results were largely consistent with the results of the theoretical study and confirmed the assumptions made. Adjusting the compliance in the proposed way allows for the significant improvement in the accuracy and productivity of machining of low-stiffness shafts.