In the current dynamic and technologically innovative world, operating a green-conscious firm is no longer a realistic choice for the sustainable and long-term financial viability of small-to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across all industries. In this study, we evaluated the link between digitization and sustainable corporate performance for small and medium Vietnamese organisations in the food and beverage sector. The current research body illustrates that different methodologies have been used to investigate how digitalisation (DI) affects business results. We investigated the link between the DI and sustainable corporate performance (SCP) of SMEs in an emerging economy environment via the lens of green innovation (GI) and green supply chain management (GSCM). As the aforesaid coupled linkage and its influence on sustainability had hitherto not been discussed in the literature, we focused on the mediating role played by GI and GSCM in the relationship between DI and SCP. We employed a quantitative methodology and gathered data through a carefully designed questionnaire administered to senior and medium managers. This yielded 405 valid replies. We then analysed the data by using Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM). The results were found to indicate a positive relationship between DI, GI, GSCM, and SCP. Additionally, they were found to illustrate the mediating role played by GI and GSCM in the relationship between DI and SCP. Therefore, we would encourage managers to engage in DI, GI, and GSCM in order to enable their organisations to achieve sustainability.