A triple-range adjustable plane-concave multipass gas cell (PC-MPGC) was developed for high-precision trace gas detection based on tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy. Effective optical path lengths (EOPLs) of 64.5, 42.5, and 20.5 m could be easily achieved by adjusting the incident beam angle. The trace gas sensor system employed a 1.653 µm distributed feedback diode laser to target a strong methane (CH4) absorption line, and direct absorption spectroscopy (DAS) was used to evaluate the performance of the system with a 64.5 m EOPL. A Savitzky–Golay filtering algorithm was employed to denoise the measured signal, and a third harmonic signal was used for laser frequency locking. A signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 191 was achieved, which corresponds to a detection sensitivity of 0.78 ppmv. The system response time was obtained through measurement of CH4 at concentration of 0 ppmv and 20 ppmv at 298 K and 1 atm, and it was found to be 11 s. Kalman filtering was applied to improve the detection sensitivity of the gas sensor. The stability of the system was analyzed using Allan deviation, and a minimum detectable limit of 21 ppbv was obtained for an integration time of 580 s. In situ continuous monitoring of atmospheric CH4 characteristics was performed for 72-h. The development of a new type of PC-MPGC paves the way for the detection of multicomponent gases at different absorption path lengths.