The unique van der Waals gap of two-dimensional (2D) materials provides excellent conditions for intercalation, which allows foreign substances to enter the interlayer without destroying the covalent bonds within the layers. Intercalation is an effective way to modulate the interlayer interactions of 2D materials, changing their optoelectronic, physical and chemical properties. Electrochemical intercalation as one of the methods of intercalation is of great interest for its precise controllability and reversibility. By applying an external potential as the driving force, the intercalation agent is driven to the interlayer of the host material through chemical reaction, which is universal to most 2D materials. Herein, the performance modulation and related applications of 2D materials achieved by electrochemical intercalation strategies in recent years are discussed. Firstly, the principles of electrochemical intercalation of 2D materials and the modulation of the intercalation process are described. Besides, the changes in the structure, electronic and optical properties as well as magnetic and electrical conductivity of 2D materials modulated by electrochemical intercalation are emphasized. Later, the potential applications of electrochemical intercalation strategies such as catalysis and energy storage are summarized. Finally, challenges and opportunities at present concerning the electrochemical method are presented.