Visual electrophysiology is an objective examination method for assessing visual function. As one of the important ophthalmic clinical examinations, it is widely used in the diagnosis, differential diagnosis, follow-up and visual function identification of diseases. Based on a number of standards and guidelines published by the International Society of Clinical Visual Electrophysiology in recent years, in combination with the recent clinical practice and research progress in China, the experts in the Visual Physiology Group of Ophthalmology Branch of Chinese Medical Association and Visual Physiology Group of Chinese Ophthalmologist Association have formed consensus opinions to help Chinese ophthalmologists standardize the use of clinical visual electrophysiologic terminology and to promote the further standardization of clinical visual electrophysiologic examination in China.视觉电生理检查是评估视功能的客观方法,是眼科临床检查的重要内容之一,广泛用于疾病的诊断、鉴别诊断、随访和视功能鉴定。中华医学会眼科分会视觉生理学组和中国医师协会眼科医师分会视觉生理学组基于国际临床视觉电生理学会近年发布的多个标准和指南,结合我国临床实践和近年研究进展,针对中国临床视觉电生理学检查术语达成共识性意见,以期帮助广大眼科工作者规范使用临床视觉电生理学术语,进一步推进我国眼科临床视觉电生理学检查工作规范化。.