A single-matrix hydrophobic ceramic membrane (HCM) was prepared via gel-casting and membrane grafting. Fly ash cenospheres and 1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorooctyl trichlorosilane were used as the single-matrix material. The results showed that when the sintering temperature was 1300℃, the porosity was 75.56 %, and flexural strength was 11.1 MPa; this means that the material meets the requirements for mechanical properties. After grafting 1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorooctane trichlorosilane, the Si−CH3 peak increased and the Si−OH peak was weaker. Also, the contact angle of the droplet increased from 56° to 126°, and this indicates that the droplet was successfully chemically adsorbed to the surface of the ceramic membrane. The results of computational fluid dynamics simulation show that a gaussian spherical wall greatly improved the permeation flux of foamed ceramic membranes, and the permeation flux of the microchannel increased by 26.5 %∼76.2 % at the same transmembrane pressure. Pure water permeation flux and heavy metal adsorption experiments shows excellent high permeation flux and satisfactory heavy metal adsorption performance of HCM. From the perspective of membrane cost, HCM is suitable to be promoted. In summary, HCM has the potential for commercial application.