The construction of hollow mesoporous carbon nanospheres (HMCS) avoiding the use of traditional soft/hard templates is highly desired for nanoscience yet challenging. Herein, we report a simple and straightforward template-free strategy for preparing nitrogen, sulfur dual-doped HMCSs (N/S-HMCSs) as oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) electrocatalysts. The unique hollow spherical and mesoporous structure was in-situ formed via a thermally initiated hollowing pathway from an elaborately engineered covalent triazine framework. Regulation of pyrolysis temperatures contributed to precisely tailoring of the shell thickness of HMCSs. The resulting N/S-HMCS900 (pyrolyzed at 900 °C) possessed high N and S contents, large specific surface areas, rich and uniform mesopores distribution. Consequently, as a metal-free ORR electrocatalyst, N/S-HMCS900 exhibits a high half-wave potential, excellent methanol tolerance and great long-term durability. Additionally, density functional theory calculations demonstrate that N, S-dual dopant can create extra active sites with higher catalytic activity than the isolated N-dopant. This strategy provides new insights into the construction of hollow and mesoporous multi-heteroatom-doped carbon materials with tunable nanoarchitecture for various electrochemical applications.