Corrigendum to “Reliability of shear wave elastography in the evaluation of diffuse thyroid diseases in children and adolescents” [Eur. J. Radiol. 143 (2021) 109942]
The authors regret the affiliations for Dr. Ahmed Gaber Hassanein and Dr. Hisham A. Elghany Algahlan is changed as above. The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused. Reliability of shear wave elastography in the evaluation of diffuse thyroid diseases in children and adolescentsEuropean Journal of RadiologyVol. 143PreviewThyroid diseases are common pediatric endocrine disorders and are the second most common disease, after diabetes, in children worldwide [1]. Thyroid diseases result in many metabolic, developmental, and growth disorders in children [2]. Accordingly, early detection and treatment are critical for enhancing the development and growth of children affected by these diseases [3]. Full-Text PDF Open Access