The interfacial capacitance of a metal electrode in contact with a dilute electrolyte is generally expected to follow the behavior predicted by the Gouy–Chapman–Stern model. Recent experiments [Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 711], however, have shown that a deviation from the Gouy–Chapman behavior is observed even in dilute electrolytes on platinum and gold single-crystal electrodes. Such deviations are usually attributed to an interaction between the surface and the electrolyte ions. However, a quantitative model showing that the strong deviations from the Gouy–Champan behavior observed for Pt can be ascribed to such an effect is still lacking, particularly as other experimental observables do not indicate a strong ion adsorption. Here, we propose a double-layer model that is capable of reproducing the main experimental findings in a simple and (in parts) analytical way. The analytical model thereby includes the attractive ion–surface interaction via an additional capacitive element connected in parallel to the Gouy–Chapman capacitance. By comparing the model predictions to experiment, we subsequently infer characteristics of the ion–surface interaction. In particular, we find that the model predicts the attractive interaction to be weak (weaker than a typical chemical bond formed when contact adsorbing) and that the interaction has to be very similar for all ions. Furthermore, for a good agreement with experiment, ion-size effects are suggested to play a role in determining the potential of minimum capacitance.