Photoacoustic imaging reveals great potential for the study of individual cells due to the rich imaging contrast for both label-free and labeled cells. However, previously reported photoacoustic imaging flow cytometry configuration suffers from inadequate imaging quality and challenge to distinguish multiple cells. In order to solve such issues, we propose a novel acoustic standing wave aided multiparametric photoacoustic imaging flow cytometry (MPAFC) system. The acoustic standing wave is introduced to improve the imaging quality and speed. Multispectral illumination along with cell geometry, photoacoustic amplitude, and acoustic frequency spectrum enables the proposed system to precisely identify multiple types of cells with one scanning. On the basis of the identification, elimination of melanoma cells, and targeted labeled glioma cells have been performed with an elimination efficiency of >95%. Additionally, the MPAFC system is able to image and capture melanoma cells at a lowest concentration of 100 cells mL–1 in pure blood. Current results suggest that the proposed MPAFC may provide a precise and efficient tool for cell detection, manipulation, and elimination in both fundamental and clinical studies.