
Detecting DNA Methylation of the BCL2 , CDKN2A and NID2 Genes in Urine Using a Nested Methylation Specific Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay to Predict Bladder Cancer

甲基化 CDKN2A 医学 聚合酶链反应 DNA甲基化 图书馆学 内科学 基因 癌症 生物 遗传学 计算机科学 基因表达
Michael Scher,Michael Elbaum,Yakov Mogilevkin,David W. Hilbert,Jack H. Mydlo,Avner Sidi,Martin E. Adelson,Eli Mordechai,Jason P. Trama
期刊:The Journal of Urology [Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer)]
卷期号:188 (6): 2101-2107 被引量:36

No AccessJournal of UrologyAdult Urology1 Dec 2012Detecting DNA Methylation of the BCL2, CDKN2A and NID2 Genes in Urine Using a Nested Methylation Specific Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay to Predict Bladder Cancer Michael B. Scher, Michael B. Elbaum, Yakov Mogilevkin, David W. Hilbert, Jack H. Mydlo, A. Ami Sidi, Martin E. Adelson, Eli Mordechai, and Jason P. Trama Michael B. ScherMichael B. Scher Oncoveda Tumor Biology Center, Medical Diagnostic Laboratories LLC, a Division of Genesis Biotechnology Group, Hamilton, New Jersey , Michael B. ElbaumMichael B. Elbaum Oncoveda Tumor Biology Center, Medical Diagnostic Laboratories LLC, a Division of Genesis Biotechnology Group, Hamilton, New Jersey , Yakov MogilevkinYakov Mogilevkin Oncoveda Tumor Biology Center, Medical Diagnostic Laboratories LLC, a Division of Genesis Biotechnology Group, Hamilton, New Jersey , David W. HilbertDavid W. Hilbert Femeris Women's Health Research Center, Medical Diagnostic Laboratories LLC, a Division of Genesis Biotechnology Group, Hamilton, New Jersey , Jack H. MydloJack H. Mydlo Department of Urology, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania , A. Ami SidiA. Ami Sidi Department of Urology, The E. Wolfson Medical Center, Holon, and the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel , Martin E. AdelsonMartin E. Adelson Oncoveda Tumor Biology Center, Medical Diagnostic Laboratories LLC, a Division of Genesis Biotechnology Group, Hamilton, New Jersey , Eli MordechaiEli Mordechai Oncoveda Tumor Biology Center, Medical Diagnostic Laboratories LLC, a Division of Genesis Biotechnology Group, Hamilton, New Jersey , and Jason P. TramaJason P. Trama Oncoveda Tumor Biology Center, Medical Diagnostic Laboratories LLC, a Division of Genesis Biotechnology Group, Hamilton, New Jersey View All Author Informationhttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.juro.2012.08.015AboutFull TextPDF ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationsTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints ShareFacebookLinked InTwitterEmail Abstract Purpose: Detection of methylated DNA has been shown to be a good biomarker for bladder cancer. Bladder cancer has the highest recurrence rate of any cancer and, as such, patients are regularly monitored using invasive diagnostic techniques. As urine is easily attainable, bladder cancer is an optimal cancer to detect using DNA methylation. DNA methylation is highly specific in cancer detection. However, it is difficult to detect because of the limited amount of DNA present in the urine of patients with bladder cancer. Therefore, an improved, sensitive and noninvasive diagnostic test is needed. Materials and Methods: We developed a highly specific and sensitive nested methylation specific polymerase chain reaction assay to detect the presence of bladder cancer in small volumes of patient urine. The genes assayed for DNA methylation are BCL2, CDKN2A and NID2. The regions surrounding the DNA methylation sites were amplified in a methylation independent first round polymerase chain reaction and the amplification product from the first polymerase chain reaction was used in a real-time methylation specific polymerase chain reaction. Urine samples were collected from patients receiving treatment at Wolfson Medical Center in Holon, Israel. Results: In a pilot clinical study using patient urine samples we were able to differentiate bladder cancer from other urogenital malignancies and nonmalignant conditions with a sensitivity of 80.9% and a specificity of 86.4%. 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More articles by this author Michael B. Elbaum Oncoveda Tumor Biology Center, Medical Diagnostic Laboratories LLC, a Division of Genesis Biotechnology Group, Hamilton, New Jersey Financial interest and/or other relationship with MDL. More articles by this author Yakov Mogilevkin Oncoveda Tumor Biology Center, Medical Diagnostic Laboratories LLC, a Division of Genesis Biotechnology Group, Hamilton, New Jersey Financial interest and/or other relationship with MDL. More articles by this author David W. Hilbert Femeris Women's Health Research Center, Medical Diagnostic Laboratories LLC, a Division of Genesis Biotechnology Group, Hamilton, New Jersey Financial interest and/or other relationship with MDL. More articles by this author Jack H. Mydlo Department of Urology, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Financial interest and/or other relationship with MDL. More articles by this author A. Ami Sidi Department of Urology, The E. Wolfson Medical Center, Holon, and the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel Financial interest and/or other relationship with Genesis Biotechnology Group. More articles by this author Martin E. Adelson Oncoveda Tumor Biology Center, Medical Diagnostic Laboratories LLC, a Division of Genesis Biotechnology Group, Hamilton, New Jersey Financial interest and/or other relationship with MDL. More articles by this author Eli Mordechai Oncoveda Tumor Biology Center, Medical Diagnostic Laboratories LLC, a Division of Genesis Biotechnology Group, Hamilton, New Jersey Financial interest and/or other relationship with MDL. More articles by this author Jason P. Trama Oncoveda Tumor Biology Center, Medical Diagnostic Laboratories LLC, a Division of Genesis Biotechnology Group, Hamilton, New Jersey Financial interest and/or other relationship with MDL. More articles by this author Expand All Advertisement PDF downloadLoading ...

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