The physical dimension of orbital angular momentum (OAM) states of light has been successfully implemented as information carrier in wireless optical communication (WOC) links. However, the current OAM data coding strategies in WOC are mainly limited to the temporal domain, rarely involving the degree of freedom of spatial domain to transmit an image directly. Here, we apply OAM holographic multiplexing technology for spatial information encoding in WOC links. Further, we demonstrate the new concept of OAM holographic multicasting, wherein a beam-steering grating has been utilized for information decoding. To distribute the OAM multiplexing information appropriately in the receiving terminal, the beam-steering grating with controllable topological charges and amplitude weighting coefficients of each diffraction order in the spatial frequency domain has been designed. An iterative algorithm has been introduced to obtain the intensity uniformity >98% at target diffraction orders. As such, this scheme experimentally allows four separate users to receive independent images, which can be switched by modulating the topological charges of the beam-steering gratings at each diffraction order. In addition, this leads to a beam-steering grating-encrypted WOC links, wherein the information can only be decoded by the grating phase with 7 pre-set spatial frequency components. Our results mark a new parallel decoding paradigm of OAM multiplexing holography, which opens up the door for future high-capacity and high-security all-optical holographic communications.