Direct acetylation for full analysis of polysaccharides in edible plants and fungi using reverse phase liquid chromatography-multiple reaction monitoring mass spectrometry
It is vitally important to characterize polysaccharides by monosaccharide composition method. In this study, a direct acetylation strategy combined with reversed-phase liquid chromatography electrospray tandem multiple reaction monitoring mass spectrometry (RPLC-ESI-MRM-MS) was developed for simultaneous determination of 8 aldoses (Glc, Gal, Man, Ara, Xyl, Rib, Rha and Fuc), a ketose (Fru), 2 alditols (Glc-ol and Man-ol) and 2 uronic acids (GlcA and GalA) on a high-pressure resistant reversed-phase column. Employing 1-MeIm as catalyst for direct acetylation, even though no DMSO was used to inhibit the transformation of configurations, each carbohydrate still produced a single chromatographic peak in RPLC conditions due to the ɑ- and β- isomers merged together. Except for Fru and Man, all the other 11 carbohydrates were base-line separated in a 1.7 µm CYANO column. Therefore, correction factor method is further proposed to perfectly solve co-elution problem of Fru and Man because of occurrence of a specific Q3 ion for aldoses rather than ketose. The result was verified on a 1.7 µm Fluoro-Phenyl column with a full separation of Fru and Man. Herein, the established direct acetylation as followed RPLC-ESI-MRM-MS method was successfully applied for compositional analysis of complex polysaccharides from edible plants and fungi.