Abstract Site‐specific integration (SSI) via recombinase mediated cassette exchange (RMCE) has shown advantages over random integration methods for expression of biotherapeutics. As an extension of our previous work developing SSI host cells, we developed a dual‐site SSI system having two independent integration sites at different genomic loci, each containing a unique landing pad (LP). This system was leveraged to generate and compare two RMCE hosts, one (dFRT) compatible with the Flp recombinase, the other (dBxb1) compatible with the Bxb1 recombinase. Our comparison demonstrated that the dBxb1 host was able to generate stable transfectant pools in a shorter time frame, and cells within the dBxb1 transfectant pools were more phenotypically and genotypically stable. We further improved process performance of the dBxb1 host, resulting in desired fed batch performance attributes. Clones derived from this improved host (referred as 41L‐11) maintained stable expression profiles over extended generations. While the data represents a significant improvement in the efficiency of our cell line development process, the dual LP architecture also affords a high degree of flexibility for development of complex protein modalities.