Abstract Using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) and density functional theory (DFT) calculations, we systematically studied the electronic band structure of Mn 3 Ge in the vicinity of the Fermi level. We observe several bands crossing the Fermi level, confirming the metallic nature of the studied system. We further observe several flat bands along various high symmetry directions, consistent with the DFT calculations. The calculated partial density of states suggests a dominant Mn 3 d orbital contribution to the total valence band DOS. With the help of orbital-resolved band structure calculations, we qualitatively identify the orbital information of the experimentally obtained band dispersions. Out-of-plane electronic band dispersions are explored by measuring the ARPES data at various photon energies. Importantly, our study suggests relatively weaker electronic correlations in Mn 3 Ge compared to Mn 3 Sn.