The latent phase of labor extends from the initiation of labor to the onset of the active phase. Because neither margin is always precisely identifiable, the duration of the latent phase often can only be estimated. During this phase, the cervix undergoes a process of rapid remodeling, which may have begun gradually weeks before. As a consequence of extensive changes in its collagen and ground substance, the cervix softens, becomes thinner and dramatically more compliant, and may dilate modestly. All of these changes prepare the cervix for the more rapid dilatation that will occur during the active phase to follow. For the clinician, it is important to recognize that the latent phase may normally extend for many hours. The normal limit for the duration of the latent phase should be considered to be approximately 20 hours in a nullipara and 14 hours in a multipara. Factors that have been associated with a prolonged latent phase include deficient prelabor or intrapartum cervical remodeling, excessive maternal analgesia or anesthesia, maternal obesity, and chorioamnionitis. Approximately 10% of women with a prolonged latent phase are actually in false labor, and their contractions eventually abate spontaneously. The management of a prolonged latent phase involves either augmenting uterine activity with oxytocin or providing a sedative-induced period of maternal rest. Both are equally effective in advancing the labor to active phase dilatation. A very long latent phase may be a harbinger of other labor dysfunctions.