Abstract The needle‐based biopsy procedure is common in cancer detection and patient‐specific targeted therapy, wherein a tissue sample from the potential diseased site is acquired and frozen instantly with the help of a coolant medium. While liquid nitrogen (LN 2 ) is the most widely used coolant for preserving the acquired sample and performing biopsy tests on the same at a later time, cold ischemia leads to inevitable cell degradation beyond a threshold time. In an effort to circumvent this challenge, here we aim to put forward the concept of an integrated biopsy sample acquisition and cryotherapy procedure, by incorporating an exclusively designed cooling circuit in a conventional biopsy‐needle for freezing the sample in vivo as soon as it is acquired, while causing cryoablation in the surrounding tissues simultaneously. An enthalpy‐based approach is employed to develop a bioheat transfer model for the cryotherapy design, with illustrative simulation data presented for breast cancer. Our model is demonstrated by considering a constant LN 2 cooling temperature of 77.15 K, and cooling powers ranging from 2 to 10 W. The model results elucidate procedure‐specific insights such as the thermal penetration depth and the cooling time on being subjected to the cryoablation. The cooling rates thus obtained are further assessed from the simultaneous considerations of cryopreservation and cryosurgery, deriving critical insights on tissue survival and damage for acting as a precursor to patient‐specific treatment planning.