Rejection surveillance after heart transplantation has traditionally relied on numerous endomyocardial biopsies, most of which occur during the first posttransplant year. With the introduction of gene expression profiling and, more recently, donor-derived cell-free DNA, a great proportion of surveillance is being performed noninvasively with both tests. Although patients have welcomed the use of paired testing because of the decreased risk and inconvenience, interpretation of both tests can sometimes be challenging, particularly when the test results are discordant. Growing evidence from both single-center experiences and large national databases has given insights that have allowed the field to operationalize dual testing and provide physicians with algorithms to approach paired testing. The increased use of noninvasive testing has also begun to challenge the role of biopsy as the gold standard for graft monitoring, not only for rejection but over the life of the heart transplant. In a growing number of circumstances, cell-free DNA not only may be a better means of assessing rejection but could also redefine how clinicians approach the diagnosis and even treatment of graft injury. As the heart transplant community garners more experience and generates more data, the current paradigms of heart transplant surveillance will continue to be challenged.