Abstract Parasites can influence the behaviour of their hosts, however investigations on how they may shape multiple personality traits are uncommon. The flatworm parasite Tylodelphys darbyi resides in the eyes of common bully, Gobiomorphus cotidianus, a locally common fish host to a range of other parasites that could also influence their behaviour. Here we assess how parasitism may be related to personality traits of two G. cotidianus populations; one where T. darbyi is highly abundant and one where the parasite is absent. We hypothesized that T. darbyi would have a stronger association with the different personality traits than other parasite taxa, and that the effects of infection on personality traits would vary between populations. Our results demonstrate that T. darbyi infections correlate with boldness, exploration, and activity within and among individuals. Further, we show that the relationship and therefore possible influence of other parasites, e.g., Apatemon sp., on personality traits vary between two host populations. Our study has revealed potential patterns highlighting how parasitism may differentially contribute to behavioural and ecological divergence among host populations.