Electrolyte systems based on binary mixtures of organic carbonate ester cosolvents have limitations in ionic transport and thus limit extreme fast charge (XFC) and high-rate cycling of energy dense lithium-ion cells with thick electrodes (>80 μm per side) at ambient temperature and below. Here, we present LiPF6 in methyl acetate (MA) as an ester-based liquid electrolyte that offers substantial improvements in ionic transport, doubling the conductivity of conventional electrolyte systems. Density functional theory-based molecular dynamics (DFT-MD) simulations give insights into the experimentally observed low solvation number for lithium ions in MA solutions and show a solution system with highly mobile, loosely bound ionic species. We show that MA-based electrolytes with suitable additive formulas enable high cycling rates and excellent low-temperature cycling performance in lithium-ion cell designs with thick electrodes but come with a trade-off in lifetime at elevated temperature. While there are inherent practical issues with MA as an electrolyte solvent, including a low flash point (−10 °C) and lifetime penalties compared to state-of-the-art electrolytes, this work demonstrates that excellent ionic transport in the electrolyte can enable fast charging without the energy density sacrifice inherently associated with specifically tailored electrodes. Further work in electrolyte design, particularly in increasing ionic conductivity without sacrificing stability, has the potential to enable XFC in practical lithium-ion cell chemistries and cell designs.