Lung cancer is by far the most common cancer and the leading cause of cancer death in China. Through multidimensional discussion and analysis of disease, the multidisciplinary team (MDT) diagnosis and treatment brings lots of benefits for cancer patients, including increasing patient satisfaction, reducing hospitalization expense, shortening treatment waiting time, providing more reasonable diagnosis and treatment pathways and strategies, relieving medical disputes, increasing enrollment opportunities for patients in high-quality clinical trials, patients'prognosis and life quality and so on. Presently, lung cancer MDT in China needs to be improved, including guideline following, democratic decision, landing performance and feedback, meeting records, patient follow-up and so on. So this consensus combines lung cancer MDT experience of China with leading-edge global oncology MDT experience to construct patient-centered lung cancer MDT diagnosis and treatment model, including MDT responsibility and obligations, organizational framework, working modality, standard procedures, assessment methods, and encouragement mechanisms and so on. Chinese Thoracic Oncology Group; Chinese Society of Lung Cancer; Lung Cancer Group of Oncology Branch, Chinese Medical Association; Multidisciplinary Team Diagnosis and Treatment Committee, Chinses Medical Doctor Association jointly publish this consensus. The purpose of this consensus is to provide procedures and criteria for lung cancer MDT of China.