Platelet apheresis is a technique in which whole blood is collected from a donor followed by platelet (PLT) separation. Platelet apheresis has a significant impact on some biochemical indices after donation. This study aimed to investigate the impact of platelet apheresis on complete blood count (CBC) and lymphocyte subsets over a typical interdonation interval.Healthy male subjects (n = 10) were recruited to study changes in CBC and lymphocyte subsets before and at three intervals following platelet apheresis. Repeated measures ANOVA was used to compare quantitative variables between different visits.Following platelet apheresis, platelet count decreased 30% at 24 hours after donation (p < 0.001) compared to the baseline count with significant repeated ANOVA across different visits (p < 0.001, Eta = 0.558). No changes were observed in other variables of CBC. The lymphocyte subsets including CD4, CD8, and CD4/CD8 ratio were decreased at 24 hours after donation (-0.6%, -0.4% and -0.7%, respectively) but none was significant. At 24 hours, the proportion of CD19 and CD16-56 were slightly increased (1.6%, 3.3%, p > 0.05, respectively).The significant reduction in PLT count after 24 hours of plateletpheresis may have adverse health effects on PLT donors. Platelet apheresis has no significant effect on lymphocyte subsets of the donor.