In this study, condensation heat transfer coefficients(HTCs) of R22, R123, R134a and R245fa are measured on both 26fpi low fin and Turbo-C tubes. All data are taken at the vapor temperature of with a wall subcooling of . Test results show that HTCs of the newly developed low vapor pressure alternative refrigerant, R245fa, are and higher than those of R123 for 26fpi low fin tube and Turbo-C tube respectively. For all refrigerants tested, HTCs of Turbo-C enhanced tube are higher than those of 26fpi low fin tube. For the low fin tube, Beatty and Katz's prediction equation yielded 20% deviation for all fluids. The heat transfer enhancement ratio of R245fa on the Turbo-C tube is while that of R123 is . From the view point of environmental safety and condensation heat transfer, R245fa is a long term candidate to replace R123 currently used in centrifugal chillers.