This chapter aims to dissect the fleshy fruit/frugivore interface that brings up both characteristics of the fruits as 'prey items', which must be sought, handled and efficiently processed, and the ability of frugivores to perform these tasks, with consequences for the plants themselves. Throughout the chapter, any mention of fruits will be with reference to fleshy fruits, loosely defined to include any structure enclosing seeds surrounded by a fleshy, edible, pulp layer. Most references to frugivorous animals will be to birds, primates, ungulates and bats that behave as seed dispersers. The first section of the chapter describes fruits as prey items from the perspective of the foraging animal, and examines their characteristics, temporal and spatial patterns of availability and intrinsic traits, such as design and nutritive value. The second part reviews frugivore traits that influence fruit choice, fruit and seed processing and foraging movements that have implications for seed deposition patterns.