Hyperandrogenism caused by pregnancy is an extremely rare condition. One of the most common reasons is the hyperreactio luteinalis (LH). The literature describes 51 cases of LH where 8 of them have occurred during spontaneous multiple pregnancy. LH is a result of increased serum concentrations of human chorion gonadotropin (β-hCG) and increased receptors' sensitivity to β-hCG. It is characterized by a typical ultrasound image: most often bilaterally massively enlarged ovaries that consist of many of thin-walled small theca-lutein cysts, giving it the appearance of a "spoke wheel". We present a case of a 36 year old woman pregnant for the first time with spontaneously occurred twin pregnancy, who has hyperandrogenism and high blood pressure resistant to therapy. The conducted imaging studies showed enlarged polycystic ovaries resembling cancerous ovarian neoplasia. Recognition of this condition is important as radical surgery, resulting in removal of the ovaries is wrong and incorrect.