Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic inflammatory disorder affecting the gastrointestinal tract. The etiology of this alarming condition is multifactorial. A Recently increasing trend in IBD is noted in our country.The present study was designed with the main objective to assess the incidence and to identify the associated risk factors including demographic, geographical areas, and dietary patterns of IBD population of Northern of Karnataka viz. Hubli-Dharwad city.A retrospective investigation was conducted on a cohort of 226 patients with a working diagnosis of IBD and those who were admitted between 2015 to 2019 the department of gastroenterology, SDMCMS&H. The diagnosis of IBD was made based on clinical, radiological, endoscopic, and histopathologic findings. The patients were categorized into IBD and those who have symptoms suggestive of IBD but did not fit into the diagnostic criteria into, non-IBD groups. The data about of on demography, diet patterns, and laboratory parameters were recorded.Among 226 patients enrolled in this study 2015-2019, IBD was confirmed in 54 Ulcerative colitis - 44 (19.46%), Crohn's disease - 10 (4.42%) patients with varying distribution of disease among different age groups and both genders, Ulcerative colitis (UC) [M: F: 28 (63.6%): 16 (36.4%)] and Crohn's disease (CD) [M: F: 07 (70.0%):03 (30.0%)]. Dietary pattern and other habitats had no significant contribution to illness and its symptoms. Urban (U) and Rural (R) divide was UC [U: R: 32 (72.7%): 12 (27.3%)], CD [U:R:07(70.0%):03(30.0%)] maintained.Incidence of IBD was high with UC as compared to CD. The incidence of IBD among patients presenting with symptoms suggestive of IBD is 19.46% with UC being major as compared to CD (4.42%). Male predominant patterns of IBD incidences were noted. Year by year increasing trend in disease burden was observed. The Dietary pattern has no direct correlation with IBD disease prevalence and incidences.