A 33-5/7, 1570 g dichorionic diamniotic twin presented with cryptorchidism, failed hearing examination (both ears), poor feeding, profound hypoglycemia, coagulopathy, conjugated hyper-bilirubinemia, hydronephrosis, and hypotension. Microarray sent with results of whole genome SNP microgray analysis detected an interstitial duplication of the chromosomal segment 4q35 1q35.2. On this basis, telemedicine screening was performed to evaluate for ocular abnormalities in association with abnormal gene testing. Unilateral advanced retinopathy was noted affecting the right eye, with mature vascularization in the left eye. This infant was managed in concordance with retinopathy of prematurity guidelines, despite not making screening criteria. Off-label intravitreal bevacizumab injection (0.625 mg in 0.025 mL) resulted in full vascular maturation assessed by fluorescein angiography 6 months later. This represents the first description and management of retinopathy in 4q duplication syndrome.