Abstract ERA5 reanalysis data, precipitation data from China, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) monthly sea surface temperature (SST) data are used to analyse the impact of the meridional position of the East Asian subtropical jet (EASJ) on summer precipitation in China and its correlation with Atlantic SST. The results indicate that when the EASJ significantly shifts northward, the western North Pacific subtropical high (WNPSH) weakens with an eastward displacement. Upper‐level convergence and moisture divergence, corresponding to descending motion, lead to decreased precipitation in the Yangtze River Valley (YRV). Meanwhile, upper‐level divergence occurs over South China (SC), the Hexi Corridor (HC), and Northeast China (NEC), where moisture converges and ascends, favouring an increase in precipitation. Conversely, when the EASJ undergoes a significant southward shift, the WNPSH strengthens and expands westward. Opposing atmospheric circulation patterns in these four regions result in reversed precipitation anomalies compared with those observed when the jet shifts northward. The meridional position of the EASJ is closely related to the summer subtropical Atlantic SST. The positive (negative) SST anomaly (SSTA) over the subtropical Atlantic induces negative (positive) geopotential height anomaly in the upper troposphere over the North Atlantic by modulating the atmospheric meridional circulation. Geopotential height anomalies trigger eastward‐propagating Rossby waves, generating anomalous cyclones and anticyclones over East Asia. These anomalous cyclones and anticyclones lead to zonal wind anomalies, which alter the strength of the westerlies on both sides of the climatological jet axis, thereby changing the jet's meridional position. Additionally, the difference in the propagation direction of wave activity flux between positive and negative SSTA alters the distribution of wave energy convergence and divergence in the EASJ region, further affecting the intensity of the average westerly winds on both sides of the climatological jet axis, ultimately producing the changes in the meridional position of the EASJ.