Abstract Real-time time-dependent density-functional theory molecular dynamics (rt-TDDFT-MD) reveals the nonadiabatic dynamics of the ultrafast photoinduced structural transition in a typical phase-change material antimony (Sb) with Peierls distortion (PD). As the excitation intensity increases from 3.54% to 5.00%, three distinct structural transition behaviors within 1 ps are observed: no PD flipping, nonvolatile-like PD flipping, and nonstop back-and-forward PD flipping. Analyses on electron-phonon and phonon–phonon couplings indicate that the excitation-activated coherent A 1g phonon mode by electron-phonon coupling drives the structural transition within several hundred femtoseconds. Then, the energy of coherent motions are transformed into that of random thermal motions via phonon–phonon coupling, which prevents the A 1g -mode-like coherent structure oscillations. The electron-phonon coupling and coherent motions will be enhanced with increasing the excitation intensity. Therefore, a moderate excitation intensity that can balance the coherent and decoherent thermal movements will result in a nonvolatile-like PD flipping. These findings illustrate important roles of nonadiabatic electron-phonon/phonon–phonon couplings in the ultrafast laser-induced structural transitions in materials with PD, offering insights for manipulating their structures and properties by light.