Objective To develop a scale for measuring Chinese adults'health serf-management skill and to test its reliability and validity.Methods Based on the fundamental research,1187 adults of Harbin and Fuzhou were selected to test,used by the rating scale of health self-management skiil for adults (AHSMSRS), and the rdliability and validity of AHSMSRS was tested.Results The rating scale of health self-management skill for adults(AHSMSRS)is developed with good reliability and vatidity,composed of 3 subscale,seven factors and 38 items,and the cumulative contribution of variance was 59.039%.Conclusions The scale achieved excellent levels of reliability and validity,which may not only provide a useful tool to assess healtll serfmanagement skill for Chinese adults,but also provide basis for further targeting health education intervene.
Key words:
The rating scale of health self-management skill for adults; Reliability; Validity