T. J. Reber,Xiaoqing Zhou,N. C. Plumb,Stephen Parham,Justin Waugh,Yue Cao,Zhao‐Yan Sun,Haoxiang Li,Q. Wang,Jinsheng Wen,Zhijun Xu,Genda Gu,Yoshiyuki Yoshida,Hiroshi Eisaki,G. B. Arnold,D. S. Dessau
Abstract Using angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements of Bi 2 Sr 2 CaCu 2 O 8+δ over a wide range of doping levels, we present a universal form for the non-Fermi liquid electronic interactions in the nodal direction in the exotic normal state phase. It is described by a continuously varying power law exponent versus energy and temperature (hence named a Power Law Liquid or PLL), which with doping varies smoothly from a quadratic Fermi Liquid in the overdoped regime, to a linear Marginal Fermi Liquid at optimal doping, to a non-quasiparticle non-Fermi Liquid in the underdoped regime. The coupling strength is essentially constant across all regimes and is consistent with Planckian dissipation. Using the extracted PLL parameters we reproduce the experimental optics and resistivity over a wide range of doping and normal-state temperature values, including the T * pseudogap temperature scale observed in the resistivity curves. This breaks the direct link to the pseudogapping of antinodal spectral weight observed at similar temperature scales and gives an alternative direction for searches of the microscopic mechanism.