
Developing a Theory of the Firm for the 21st Century

战略管理 竞赛(生物学) 创业 管理 精英 众包 利益相关者 业务 经济 营销 社会学 图书馆学 政治学 法学 政治 生物 计算机科学 生态学 财务
Sharon Alvarez,Udo Zander,Jay B. Barney,Allan Afuah
期刊:Academy of Management Review [Academy of Management]
卷期号:45 (4): 711-716 被引量:40

Academy of Management ReviewVol. 45, No. 4 From The EditorsDeveloping a Theory of the Firm for the 21st CenturySharon A. Alvarez, Udo Zander, Jay B. Barney and Allan AfuahSharon A. AlvarezUniversity of Pittsburgh, Udo ZanderStockholm School of Economics, Jay B. BarneyThe University of Utah and Allan AfuahUniversity of MichiganPublished Online:18 Nov 2020https://doi.org/10.5465/amr.2020.0372AboutSectionsView articleView Full TextPDF/EPUB ToolsDownload CitationsAdd to favoritesTrack Citations ShareShare onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail View articleREFERENCESAdner, R. 2017. Ecosystems as structure: An actionable construct for strategy. Journal of Management, 43: 39–58. Google ScholarAfuah, A., & Tucci, C. 2012. Crowdsourcing as a solution to distant search. Academy of Management Review, 37: 355–375.Link , Google ScholarAkerlof, G., & Kranton, R. 2008. Identity, supervision, and work groups. American Economic Review, 98: 212–217. Google ScholarAlchian, A., & Demsetz, H. 1972. 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