Validation of three-dimensional simulation method for two-phase flow in triangular-pitch tube bundle in secondary side of steam generators on porous two-fluid model
In the design process of a steam generator, a porous-media-approach computational code is utilized for simulating three-dimensional two-phase flow behavior in the secondary side of steam generators. For the design of next-generation steam generators, the advanced thermal-hydraulic analysis code based on the two-fluid model has been developed by implementing constitutive equations into the ANSYS fluent. For code validation, experiments using two-phase simulant fluids were performed to collect data in a simulated steam generator with a triangular tube array. The simulant two-phase flow system selected in the experiment was an adiabatic sulfur hexafluoride gas and liquid ethanol system, which allowed us to achieve the density ratio of prototypic steam-water flow with low pressure (=0.68 MPa). In the experiment, void fraction and gas–liquid interfacial velocity distributions along U-tubes were measured. The code validation was conducted by analyzing code predictions for measured distributions of void fraction and interfacial velocity under prototypic full load and partial load conditions, i.e., 50–80% flow rate conditions. Their bias and random errors were evaluated. The reasonable random errors demonstrated the validity of the newly developed code based on the two-fluid model in terms of predictions of void fraction and interfacial velocity in the secondary side of steam generators.