Previous studies indicated that the elevated mesenchymal Wnt/β-catenin signaling deprived dental mesenchyme of odontogenic fate. By utilizing ex vivo or pharmacological approaches, Wnt/β-catenin signaling in the developing dental mesenchyme was suggested to suppress the odontogenic fate by disrupting the balance between Axin2 and Runx2. In our study, the Osr2-creKI; Ctnnb1ex3f mouse was used to explore how mesenchymal Wnt/β-catenin signaling suppressed the odontogenic fate in vivo. We found that all of the incisor and half of the molar germs of Osr2-creKI; Ctnnb1ex3fmice started to regress at E14.5 and almost disappeared at birth. The expression of Fgf3 and Msx1 was dramatically down-regulated in the E14.5 Osr2-creKI; Ctnnb1ex3f incisor and molar mesenchyme, while Runx2transcription was only diminished in incisor mesenchyme. Intriguingly, in the E14.5 Osr2-creKI; Ctnnb1ex3f incisor epithelium, the expression of Noggin was activated, while Shh was abrogated. Similarly, the Wnt and BMP antagonists, Ectodin and Noggin were also ectopically activated in the E14.5 Osr2-creKI; Ctnnb1ex3f molar epithelium. Recombination of E13.5 Osr2-creKI; Ctnnb1ex3f molar mesenchyme with E10.5 and E13.5 WT dental epithelia failed to develop tooth. Taken together, the mesenchymal Wnt/β-catenin signaling resulted in the loss of odontogenic fate in vivo not only by directly suppressing odontogenic genes expression but also by inducing Wnt and BMP antagonists in dental epithelium.