Vancomycin powder for the prevention of surgical site infection in posterior elective spinal surgery
Pedro David Delgado-López,Javier Martín-Alonso,Vicente Martín-Velasco,José Manuel Castilla-Díez,Ana Galacho-Harriero,Sara Ortega-Cubero,Ana Isabel Herrero-Gutiérrez,Antonio Rodríguez-Salazar
Abstract Objective To assess the effectiveness and safety of vancomycin powder as surgical siteinfection (SSI) prophylaxis in posterior bilateral elective spinal surgery. Materials and methods Single-center quasi-experimental pre and postintervention compa-rative cohort study. The post-intervention group received standard intravenous antibioticprophylaxis plus 1 g of vancomycin powder into the surgical field before wound closure, andthe pre-intervention group only the intravenous prophylaxis. Results 150 patients were included in each group. Twelve SSI (7 superficial and 5 deep)occurred in the post-intervention group and 16 SSI (7 superficial and 9 deep) in the pre-intervention group. The risk of deep SSI decreased from 6.0% to 3.3% (OR 0,54, 95%CI 0.17-1.65, p = 0.411) with vancomycin powder. The percentage of deep SSI due to gramnegative-positive germs were 80%-20% and 33%–67% for the post- and pre-interventiongroups, respectively (p = 0.265). No local or systemic adverse effects occurred attributableto vancomycin powder. Conclusion In posterior elective spinal surgery, prophylaxis with vancomycin powder didnot result in a significantly reduced incidence of superficial and deep SSI. There was a trendtowards a higher incidence of deep SSI caused by gram negative microorganisms amongthose treated with vancomycin.