Abstract A combined secondary ion mass spectrometer and laser ablation‐(multicollector)‐inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer study of zircon U‐Pb ages, trace elements, and O and Hf isotopes was carried out for orogenic peridotite and its host gneiss in the Sulu orogen. Newly grown zircon domains exhibit weak zoning or no zoning, relatively low Th/U ratios (<0.1), low heavy rare earth element (HREE) contents, steep middle rare earth element‐HREE patterns, negative Eu anomalies, and negative to low δ 18 O values of −11.3 to 0.9‰ and U‐Pb ages of 220 ± 2 to 231 ± 4 Ma. Thus, these zircons would have grown from metasomatic fluids during the early exhumation of deeply subducted continental crust. The infiltration of metasomatic fluids into the peridotite is also indicated by the occurrence of hydrous minerals such as amphibole, serpentine, and chlorite. In contrast, relict zircon domains exhibit magmatic zircon characteristics. Their U‐Pb ages and trace element and Hf‐O isotope compositions are similar to those for protolith zircons from ultrahigh‐pressure metamorphic rocks in the Dabie‐Sulu orogenic belt. Thus, these relict magmatic zircons would be physically transported into the peridotite by metasomatic fluids originated from the deeply subducted continental crust. Therefore, the peridotite underwent metasomatism by aqueous solutions derived from dehydration of the deeply subducted continental crust during the early exhumation. It is these crustally derived fluids that would have brought not only such chemical components as Zr and Si but also tiny zircon grains from the deeply subducted crustal rocks into the peridotite at the slab‐mantle interface in continental subduction channels. As such, the orogenic peridotite records the crust‐mantle interaction at the deep continental subduction zone.